Drug possession charges are serious in Canada. You could end up with a criminal record if found guilty and your sentence can be either a fine or jail time to a maximum of six months if the crown proceeds the case by summary conviction. If the crown decides not to move forward with a summary conviction and goes Indictable, you may be sentenced up to one year in prison plus a 2,000 fine if found guilty in a court of law.
Drug Possession Charges
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What is Drug Possession?
The criminal charge of drug possession is when a person is found with a banned illegal drug such as cocaine, mushrooms, ecstasy, heroin GHB, hashish, or any other illegal drug.
The drugs do not even have to be owned by you. For example, a friend asks you to hold her purse or his backpack. Without your knowledge, there are illegal drugs inside these items. You are now in possession of drugs and can be charged with possession.
Many have found themselves in a situation such as this or other circumstances. A lawyer that knows how to defend clients from these drug charges will listen to your side of the story and give you the legal advice that is most beneficial for you.
Found with drugs due to illegal searches by police.
In many situations in court, the issue is not about the illegal drug in question but instead focused on if the police found the drugs following the law as there are specific standards that law enforcement must follow when searching a person or place.
If the police have submitted the evidence through a violation of a person’s constitutional rights, the judge may decide that the evidence used to charge the person may not be presented into court and likely will resolve in you beating the criminal charge.
Criminal Record
If you are found guilty of possession, you often will then be given a criminal record.. If you already have a criminal record, this new charge will be added to it. A criminal record can affect your life several ways.
- Entry in the United States, in many cases, will be denied.
- An employer may ask for a background check if hiring or promoting you.
- You cannot be bonded.
- If charged with a future crime, your criminal record will be brought up in court, showing the judge you have a negative track record and it could hurt your credibility as a witness.
- Immigration issues.
- Credit applications & Insurance
Criminal Lawyer Needed
If you find yourself in a situation where you have been charged with possession of drugs, you NEED to speak to a Drug Lawyer immediately. This is not a charge where you want to represent yourself in court before a judge or jury. You need an experienced attorney to fight this charge on your behalf.
Free Lawyer Consultation Near You
At Legal Solutions Law Firm, we serve clients across the GTA. With offices located in Scarborough, Brampton, and Toronto, we are conventionally located for public transportation if needed. We invite you to call us first at 416-320-2020 for a free no-obligation consultation and speak about your situation with a criminal lawyer. We also offer convenient payment plans and flat fees with no hidden costs.
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